The theory that similar chemical processes occurred during the collision of the Earth with another celestial body comparable to Mars in size — the Moon gradually formed from the debris - has long been discussed in science. The analysis...




The novel "Buddenbrokes" brought Thomas Mann world fame. But under the usual mask of a family romance, not the most cloudless reality is hidden. Only...

Bigfoot: Gigantopithecus Or Paranthropus?

What’s your vote for what Bigfoot could be? Gigantopithecus or Paranthropus? Think about it, and let me know after you read the following. Taking the...

Medieval inhabitants constantly lived in fear of the dead

Are you scared at the sight of the dead and uncomfortable in the cemetery? That's nothing. The inhabitants of Europe in the Middle Ages...
The mysterious phenomenon of levitation

The mysterious phenomenon of levitation

People have always dreamed of learning to fly - not only with the help of any devices, but also just like birds. The first...

We are not local ourselves...

Scientists: Bigfoot exists!

Stories about the existence of a snowman have been stirring people's minds for decades. There are constantly new and new confirmations of the existence...

Acrimony about Jews

polar ice

The dream of polar ice

But take a look!


“Confessions of the Son of the Century” by Musset

Musset began his novel in the summer of 1835, hastily dealing with other literary orders, and in February 1836 the novel was already published....

10 signs of true love

True love is a rare and precious thing. It's not about butterflies and fireworks, but about a deep connection, mutual respect, and a commitment...

Bedroom for a little allergic person*

Year after year, the number of babies prone to allergies and respiratory illnesses is increasing. Parents who have heard the diagnosis "allergy" or "asthma"...
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12 Places on Planet Earth That Look Like a Portal to...

Sometimes the Earth’s surface falls through, forming abysses of varying degrees of depth. It’s often nature that is responsible for these tricks, but sometimes...
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Wondjina – Ancient Aliens?

Wondjina in ancient Australian Aboriginal lore are spirits of the clouds and rain. They are sometimes considered creator spirits or gods. However Ancient Alien...
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What Is Darwin’s Dilemma?

“Darwin’s dilemma” refers to Charles Darwin’s bafflement that the fossil record contradicted what his theory evolution predicted. In his classic book On the Origin...
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What Is A Solar Eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a natural event that takes place on Earth when the Moon moves in its orbit between Earth and the Sun...
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What Is A Meteorite?

Earth is bombarded with millions of tons of space material each day. Most of the objects vaporize in our atmosphere, but some of the...
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What Is A Meteor Shower?

A meteor shower occurs when a number of meteors flash seem to radiate (or shoot out from) the same point in the sky. They...
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What Is A Comet?

A comet is a very small solar system body made mostly of ices mixed with smaller amounts of dust and rock. Most comets are...
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What if the Earth was tidally locked to the Sun?

We only see one side of the moon, because it is tidally locked to the planet Earth (tidal locking the situation when an object’s...
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What a Tiny Electron Reveals About the Structure of the Universe

What is the shape of an electron? If you recall pictures from your high school science books, the answer seems quite clear: an electron...
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Tornado Facts

Perhaps it’s the spinning motion of tornadoes that captures our attention. The fact that they spin is the most basic of tornado facts. Tornadoes...